Ounce Gram Kilo Tola Baht 24K 22K 18K 14K 10K

Today's Gold Price in YUN per Gram

The current price of gold per Gram in Yugoslav Dinars is:

0.00 YUN per Gram

Today Low: 0.00, High: 0.00 YUN

Today's Open Price: -0.12 YUN

Today's Change: -100.00% -0.06 YUN

Weekly Change: -100.00% -0.06 YUN

Updated Today: 13-Feb-2025 06:57:24 (GMT+0 Time) Refresh


Gold Price Comparison

Karats of Gold Price in YUN Price in AED
24K Gold/Gram 0.00 343.78
23K Gold/Gram 0.00 329.45
22K Gold/Gram 0.00 315.13
21K Gold/Gram 0.00 300.81
18K Gold/Gram 0.00 257.83
14K Gold/Gram 0.00 200.54
10K Gold/Gram 0.00 143.24
9K Gold/Gram 0.00 128.92

Today's Gold Rates in YUN

Quantity 24K Gold in YUN 22K Gold in YUN
1 Gram Gold 0.00 0.00
5 Gram Gold 0.00 0.00
10 Gram Gold 0.00 0.00
20 Gram Gold 0.00 0.00
40 Gram Gold 0.00 0.00
50 Gram Gold 0.00 0.00
100 Gram Gold 0.00 0.00

Historical Performance of Gold Rates

Date 24K Gold/Gram in YUN% Change
Today 0.00+100%